Our Values and Commitments

Our mission is to distil and safeguard wine and spirits culture by sharing knowledge with as many as possible to ensure the professionalisation of all industry players. Therefore, our challenge is to build a rich heritage of skills and knowledge in wines and spirits to promote our industry globally. Furthermore, we want to act in service of current and future generations and help them find their place. So we act daily to innovate in our pedagogical approach to support‎ ‎and train each learner inclusively. We seek to connect all our stakeholders‎ ‎ : learners, educators, alumni, and partners in a collaborative spirit. We focus our commitments on five pillars.


Innovation is our DNA. At WiSP, we cultivate creativity in the service of educational excellence. We rely on active and collaborative teaching methods that combine theory and practice to facilitate the learning of demanding certifications. Our teams are constantly innovating and testing new approaches to improve the learning experience while adapting to the desires and motivations of each individual.


Without exception, individualised support for all learners is a foundational pillar of the WiSP philosophy and is particularly important to us. We aim to create a relationship of trust conducive to learning and success before, during and after our training sessions. We offer hands-on support to each learner in reaching their objectives by listening to their needs and difficulties.


As internationally-recognised experts in wines and spirits, we believe we have a role to play in serving the industry. We also know that our profession can contribute to employability and the emergence of new skills. Passionate and committed, we sincerely defend the accessibility of our training courses to as many people as possible. We are also committed to transmitting a taste for learning so that professionals will want to continue expanding their skill sets throughout their lives.


At WiSP, we provide WSET® qualifications, but not only! We also offer companies and their employees 100% tailored content and courses adapted to the market and the constraints of their structure. Furthermore, we work closely with all the industry stakeholders to transform the sector's needs into relevant training actions and thus guarantee the employability and integration of all.


We believe that it is by connecting all stakeholders: employees, educators, alumni, partners, industry professionals and companies that we will succeed in entering into a virtuous process of continuous improvement. Therefore, WiSP's vocation is also to establish connections between professionals worldwide.

Our Educational Approach

By joining WiSP, each learner benefits from individualised support before, during, and after training. Discover our innovative, inclusive and immersive teaching methods.


Our Values

Excellence, integrity, audacity, proximity and enthusiasm are the values that bring us together and motivate us to work daily to meet our challenge of professionalising the wine and spirits industry and making it shine worldwide.

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Making the excellence of our educational training and resources a priority.

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Acting with ethics, transparency, tolerance and humility is our philosophy.

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Daring to make bold educational choices and constantly reinventing ourselves to facilitate learning is our ambition.

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Focusing on human relations, proximity, trust, and active listening to our stakeholders is part of our corporate culture.

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To make learning a pleasurable experience, tastings and interactive activities are organised.

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About Us

WiSP is a training organisation of excellence, and as such, it has been the place to be for wine and spirits professionals and enthusiasts for the past 10 years. Meet the team.

Our Certified Educators

International expert trainers and field specialists will accompany you and passionately share their knowledge. Discover your wine and spirits educators.

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