The following Internal Regulations apply to each person participating in a training course, hereinafter referred to as the TRAINEE, organised by WiSP, hereinafter referred to as the TRAINING ORGANISATION.
These regulations define the health and safety rules relating to discipline, the nature and scale of the disciplinary actions that the TRAINING ORGANISATION may take against a TRAINEE who contravenes them, and the procedural guarantees applicable when a sanction is considered.
These regulations are established per the provisions of Articles L.6352-3 and L.6352-4, and R.6352-1 to R.6352-15 of the French Labour Code.
These rules are sent to the TRAINEE at the time of registration. They are also available in the welcome booklet given to the TRAINEE at the time of enrolment and displayed on the premises of the TRAINING ORGANISATION.
The TRAINING ORGANISATION is open from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm until 6:00 pm. The telephone answering service is available from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm.
Failure to comply with any of the articles below exposes the TRAINEE to disciplinary measures as specified in section 5.
Article1 – General Principles
The prevention of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to respect the following:
• Applicable health and safety regulations on the training premises;
• Any instructions issued by the TRAINING ORGANISATION’s management, the trainer, or the manufacturer, particularly concerning the available equipment.
When the training takes place on the company’s premises or any other premises rented for this purpose, the applicable and specific safety instructions are those of the site used.
The TRAINEE must therefore ensure their safety and that of others by complying with general and specific health and safety instructions, depending on their training.
Suppose they notice a malfunction in the security system. In that case, they must immediately inform the TRAINING ORGANISATION’s management or, if necessary, the trainer.
Article 2 – Fire Safety Instructions
The fire safety instructions and, in particular, a map showing the location of the fire extinguishers and emergency exits are displayed in the premises used by the TRAINING ORGANISATION at WiSP, 88 quai de Paludate, 33800 Bordeaux or any other training location used by the TRAINING ORGANISATION. Therefore, the TRAINEE must be familiar with emergency evacuation procedures.
In the event of a fire alarm, the TRAINEE must cease all training activities and calmly follow the instructions of the authorised representative of the TRAINING ORGANISATION or the emergency services.
The TRAINEE who witnesses the start of a fire must immediately call the emergency services by dialling “18” from a fixed telephone or “112” from a mobile phone and alert a representative of the TRAINING ORGANISATION.
Article 3 – Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages
The introduction or consumption of drugs on the premises is strictly forbidden. The TRAINEE is prohibited from entering or staying in the TRAINING ORGANISATION in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of drugs. Moreover, the TRAINEE cannot bring alcohol into the training premises.
Concerning alcoholic beverages, the TRAINEE has access to various samples of wine and spirits exclusively during the hours dedicated to training and for educational purposes. The use of spittoons at the time of tasting is compulsory. The TRAINEE is not allowed to take home the bottles of wine and/or spirits tasted during the training sessions.
Article 4 – Prohibition on Smoking
It is strictly forbidden to smoke cigarettes or electronic cigarettes in the training rooms and, more generally, on the premises of the TRAINING ORGANISATION.
Article 5 – Incident
The TRAINEE, victim of an incident during the training session or who witnesses such an event, must immediately inform the TRAINING ORGANISATION, which will take the appropriate steps.
Article 6 – Theft Liability
The TRAINING ORGANISATION declines all responsibility in the event of loss, theft or deterioration of personal items belonging to the TRAINEE within the training site.
Article 7 – Food Consumption
All food consumption is forbidden on the training premises and during training sessions. However, water and hot beverage consumption are allowed.
Failure to comply with any of the articles below exposes the TRAINEE to disciplinary measures as specified in section 5.
Article 1 – Training Attendance
Article 1.1 – Training Schedules
The TRAINEE must comply with the schedules set and provided beforehand by the TRAINING ORGANISATION in the training agreement or invitation. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, the TRAINEE may not be absent during the programmed training hours.
Article 1.2 – Absence, Lateness or Early Departures
In the event of absence or departure before the planned schedule, the TRAINEE must inform the TRAINING ORGANISATION and justify their absence or early departure. The TRAINING ORGANISATION immediately reports this to the training funder (employer, administration, OPCO Skills Operator, Pôle Emploi, etc.). Furthermore, suppose this absence or early departure leads to a revocation or a reduction in the financial coverage of the training previously granted by a third party. In that case, the TRAINEE will have to pay the entire training cost or the contributed amount.
Any unjustified event that is not a force majeure constitutes misconduct subject to disciplinary measures.
Furthermore, per Article R.6341-34 of the French Labour Code, the TRAINEE, whose remuneration is paid by the public authorities, is liable to have their traineeship remuneration withheld in proportion to the duration of the absence.
Article 1.3 – Formalism in Training Attendance
The TRAINEE is required to fill in the attendance sheet as the course progresses. In addition, they may be asked to complete a training report (OPCO, Pôle Emploi, CPF, etc.). Under no circumstances may the TRAINEE sign the attendance sheet for another TRAINEE enrolled in the course.
At the end of the training course, the TRAINEE will be sent by email a Certificate of Attendance (Certificat de réalisation) to send, if need be, to their employer, administration or the body financing the training course.
Article 2 – Access to Training Facilities
Unless expressly authorised by the TRAINING ORGANISATION’s management, the TRAINEE may not:
• Enter or remain in the training premises for any purpose other than training;
• Proceed, in the latter, with soliciting the sale of goods or services;
• Introduce, have introduced or facilitate the introduction of persons not belonging to the TRAINING ORGANISATION;
• Have personal belongings delivered to them unless authorised by the TRAINING ORGANISATION.
Article 3 – Dress Code and Behaviour
The TRAINEE is asked to present themselves to the TRAINING ORGANISATION in proper attire. Furthermore, they are asked to behave in a way that guarantees respect for the elementary rules of good manners, community life and the smooth running of the training courses.
Article 4 – Use of Equipment and Material
Unless expressly authorised by the TRAINING ORGANISATION’s management, training equipment or material may only be used on the training premises and are exclusively reserved for the training activity. The distribution of training materials and teaching aids is prohibited. Their use must remain strictly personal.
The TRAINEE is required to keep the equipment entrusted to them for the training in good condition. They must use it according to its purpose and the rules issued by the trainer.
The TRAINEE shall immediately inform the trainer of any anomaly in the equipment.
Article 5 – Proselytism
It is formally forbidden to proselytise or spread religious or political beliefs within the training premises.
Article 6 – Course Recording
Recording and broadcasting a training session is strictly forbidden unless a special dispensation is granted.
Article 1 – Assessment and Examination Procedures
The TRAINEE is subject to one or several final assessment test(s) depending on the qualification prepared. A minimum grade in the examinations is required to pass and obtain the certificate. The nature of each evaluation was presented to the TRAINEE by the TRAINING ORGANISATION at the time of registration.
The TRAINEE who has successfully completed the final examination(s) will be awarded the qualification associated with the training course and will receive the overall mark or the associated grade sanctioning the entire test. In case the TRAINEE have note validated all the required examinations, a result sheet will be issued to them indicating the marks or grades obtained.
Examination Rules and Procedures:
• The TRAINEE must present themselves at the examination session with an official identity document. Copy of any form will not be accepted.
• The TRAINEE must answer the examination in the same language as the given subject.
• The TRAINEE must complete the examination within the time allowed for each paper.
• No consultation of books or online resources will be allowed during the examination. The only material available to the TRAINEE will be the material provided by the TRAINING ORGANISATION on the exam day.
• Mobile phones or any other connected devices are strictly prohibited during the examination.
• For tasting examinations, the TRAINEE is not allowed to touch or smell the glass once the wine or spirit has been poured and until the start of the examination. Any TRAINEE who fails to do so will automatically be excluded from the examination room.
• Once the invigilator has announced the start of the examination, no communication between TRAINEES will be permitted until the TRAINEE leaves the examination room or the invigilator announces the end of the exam.
• It is strictly forbidden to photograph the examination room or the examination subjects.
• The TRAINEE will not be allowed to leave the examination room until at least fifteen (15) minutes of the examination time has elapsed.
• A TRAINEE arriving after the official start time of the examination will NOT be allowed to take the exam if another TRAINEE has already left the room.
• The TRAINEE arriving late will be allowed to enter the examination room with the authorisation of the representative of the TRAINING ORGANISATION and only if this delay does not exceed thirty (30) minutes from the examination starting time. The TRAINEE will not recover lost time and will complete the examination in the same allowed time as the group. The TRAINEE will not be allowed to leave the room and return once the exam has started unless accompanied by an invigilator who must not leave the TRAINEE’s side during their absence.
• Any TRAINEE suspected of fraud or plagiarism must leave the exam room immediately. A special committee will examine their paper, determining its validity and whether they will be allowed to retake the exam.
• No broadcasting, recording or photography of the examination room or subjects is permitted.
• It is forbidden to take the exam papers and draft papers out of the examination room. Any TRAINEE who does not return the question sheet and leave the draft paper on his desk will be considered a cheat.
• The TRAINEE shall not reveal the content of the examination papers to a third party or reproduce them in any way whatsoever.
• The TRAINEE who does not take the examination will not obtain the training qualification. They can resit the examination under re-registration conditions (see Section 3, Article 2).
Article 2 – Resit Exam
The TRAINEE may request to retake the examination if they have failed, on payment of a re-registration fee.
The TRAINEE who has already succeeded in the examination may re-register for the course but will not be allowed to retake the examination. The TRAINEE who has passed only one of the different tests will be able to resit for an examination for the failed unit in the same language as the original examination.
There is no limit to the number of re-registrations for examination. However, the TRAINEE will not be able to catch up on their exam if the certifier updates the training programme.
Article 3 – Reassessment or Appeal on Examination
The TRAINEE who requests a reassessment or an appeal on their copy must make their request in writing either by e-mail or appeal on examination/reassessment form or registered letter to the TRAINING ORGANISATION to request a Reassessment form. The TRAINEE must complete and send this form to the certifier within 12 weeks of the examination. The TRAINING ORGANISATION will not consider requests received after this deadline. As this procedure is not free of charge, it must be paid directly by the TRAINEE to the certifier.
In the event of a complaint about this decision, the TRAINEE may contact the TRAINING ORGANISATION again to request the Appeal on Examination form. The TRAINEE must complete and send this form to the certifier within 10 working days following the received reassessment response. The TRAINING ORGANISATION will not consider appeal requests on examinations received after this deadline. As this procedure is not free of charge, it must be paid directly by the TRAINEE to the certifier.
Failure to comply with this article below exposes the TRAINEE to disciplinary measures as specified in section 5.
In an exceptional health context, the TRAINING ORGANISATION will ask the TRAINEE to respect the protocol in force, particularly the health policies and procedures within its premises throughout the training. Displays explaining the various sanitary protocol in detail are available on our premises.
Please note that according to the governmental measures in force, a training session initially planned to take place in person may be conducted remotely. The TRAINING ORGANISATION will be responsible for transmitting all the information and educational materials necessary to ensure proper training course delivery.
Article 1 – Disciplinary Measures
Any failure of the TRAINEE to comply with any of the provisions of these internal regulations may be subject to a disciplinary action imposed by the head of the TRAINING ORGANISATION or their representative.
Any action considered to be wrongful may, depending on its nature and seriousness, be subject to one or other of the following measures:
• Call to order;
• Temporary exclusion from the training course;
• Permanent exclusion from the training course.
Fines or other financial penalties are not permitted except for penalties for breaches of the General Terms and Conditions of Sales (ref.: Registration Form/GTC). In the event of temporary or permanent exclusion for inappropriate behaviour, the TRAINING ORGANISATION will not refund the training fees to the TRAINEE.
The head of the TRAINING ORGANISATION shall inform the following of the disciplinary action taken:
• The employer of the TRAINEE employee or the administration of the TRAINEE agent when the training course is carried out on the employer’s or administration’s orders; and/or
• The funder of the training course.
Article 2 –Disciplinary Procedure
The TRAINING ORGANISATION may not sanction the TRAINEE without the latter being informed beforehand of the grievances against them.
However, where an act considered wrongful has made a temporary exclusion with immediate effect essential, the TRAINING ORGANISATION may take no final sanction relating to this act without the TRAINEE having first been informed of the grievances against them.
For all other instances, the disciplinary action shall be notified to the TRAINEE in writing, stating the reasons, by registered letter or delivery against receipt.
Article 1–Discontent or Dissatisfaction
If any discontent or dissatisfaction with the training content, training session quality, educational materials, equipment or facilities, or WiSP services in general, the TRAINEE may fill in the dissatisfaction form accessible here. He can also contact the Quality Manager directly by e-mail at contact@wisp-campus.com or by telephone at 05 57 71 75 61. The TRAINING ORGANISATION undertakes to communicate directly with the TRAINEE within two (2) working days.
represented by Fanny Darrieussecq, WiSP General Manager