The present regulations apply to each individual participating in a training program, hereinafter referred to as the TRAINEE, organized by WiSP, hereinafter referred to as the TRAINING ORGANIZATION.
The regulations define the rules of hygiene and safety, the general and permanent rules relating to discipline, as well as the nature and scale of sanctions that may be applied to the TRAINEE in case of non-compliance, and the procedural safeguards applicable when a sanction is considered.
These regulations are established in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.6352-3 and L.6352-4 and R.6352-1 to R.6352-15 of the French Labor Code.
These regulations are provided to the TRAINEE at the time of enrollment. They are also accessible in the TRAINEE’s online personal space, with access details sent upon registration. The regulations are also displayed in the premises of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION.


The TRAINING ORGANIZATION is open from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM and from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Physical reception is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The telephone switchboard is open from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM and from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM.


Non-compliance with any of the following articles exposes the TRAINEE to disciplinary sanctions specified in Section 5. 

Article 1 – General Principles 

The prevention of accidents and illnesses is essential and requires everyone to comply with:

  • The applicable hygiene and safety regulations at the training premises.
  • Any instructions issued either by the management of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION or by the manufacturer or trainer, particularly regarding the use of the equipment provided.

When training takes place on company premises or in any other rented facility, the general and specific safety instructions applicable are those of the site used.

The TRAINEE must ensure their own safety and that of others by adhering to both general and specific hygiene and safety instructions relevant to their training.
If they notice any malfunction in the safety system, they must immediately inform the management of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION or, if applicable, the trainer.
The TRAINEE agrees to maintain the cleanliness of all the TRAINING ORGANIZATION’s premises, furniture, and educational equipment provided (spittoons, glasses, etc.). They must leave the premises in the same clean condition as they found them. Any damage or willful or negligent non-compliance will be subject to the sanctions outlined in Section 5.

Article 2 – Fire Instructions 

Fire safety instructions, including a floor plan showing the locations of fire extinguishers and emergency exits, are displayed in the premises used by the TRAINING ORGANIZATION at WiSP, 88 Quai de Paludate, 33800 Bordeaux, or any other training venue used by the TRAINING ORGANIZATION. The TRAINEE must familiarize themselves with this information.

In case of an alarm, the TRAINEE must immediately stop all training activities and calmly follow the instructions of the authorized representative of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION or emergency services.

If the TRAINEE witnesses the start of a fire, they must immediately call emergency services by dialing 18 from a landline or 112 from a mobile phone and alert a representative of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION.

Article 3 – Accident 

The TRAINEE, if involved in an accident during the training session or witnessing one, must immediately inform a representative of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION, who will take the necessary steps.

Article 4 – Theft Responsibility 

The TRAINING ORGANIZATION disclaims all liability for the loss, theft, or damage of personal belongings belonging to the TRAINEE within the training premises.

Article 5 – Alcohol and Drugs 

The introduction or consumption of drugs on the premises is strictly prohibited. Bringing alcohol onto the premises is also forbidden, except in special cases where prior authorization has been granted by the TRAINING ORGANIZATION (such as classroom tastings approved by the trainer). The TRAINEE is prohibited from entering or remaining on the premises while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

Regarding alcoholic beverages, the TRAINEE has access to various wine and spirits samples exclusively during designated training hours and for educational purposes only. The use of spittoons during tastings is mandatory. The TRAINEE is not permitted to take home any bottles of wine and/or spirits tasted during training sessions.

Article 6 – Smoking Ban 

Smoking cigarettes or electronic cigarettes is strictly prohibited within the TRAINING ORGANIZATION premises.

Article 7 – Catering 

Consumption of food is prohibited within the premises of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION and during training sessions. The consumption of water and hot beverages is allowed. The use of the fridge for personal purposes is strictly prohibited. The lunch break takes place outside the training center. 

Article 8 – Health Protocol 

Failure to comply with this article may result in disciplinary sanctions as outlined in Section 4.
In the event of an exceptional health situation, the TRAINING ORGANIZATION will require the TRAINEE to follow the current protocol, including hygiene measures, within its premises throughout the duration of the training. Notices explaining the various health measures are available within our premises.
Please note that depending on government regulations, a training session originally planned in-person may be conducted remotely. The TRAINING ORGANIZATION will provide all necessary information and educational materials 


Failure to comply with any of the articles below may result in disciplinary sanctions as outlined in Section 5 “Disciplinary Measures.”

Article 1 – Trainee Attendance in Training Article 1.1 – Training Hours 

The TRAINEE must adhere to the hours set and communicated in advance by the TRAINING ORGANIZATION in the training agreement or invitation. Except in exceptional circumstances, the TRAINEE cannot be absent during training hours.

Article 1.2 – Absences, Tardiness, or Early Departures 

In case of absence or early departure, the TRAINEE must notify the TRAINING ORGANIZATION and the trainer and provide a justification. The TRAINING ORGANIZATION will immediately inform the funder (employer, administration, OPCO Region, France Travail, etc.) of this event. If the absence results in the revocation or reduction of the financial coverage previously granted by a third-party funding organization, the TRAINEE will be required to pay the full training fees or the amount corresponding to the reduction.

Furthermore, in accordance with Article R6341-45 of the French Labor Code, a TRAINEE whose remuneration is covered by public authorities may face a deduction from their training allowance proportional to the duration of their absence.

Any unjustified absence, not considered force majeure, constitutes an offense subject to disciplinary sanctions. Specifically, if the TRAINEE is absent for more than 50% of the in-person session (for short courses) or the unit (for long courses) without justification, WiSP will arrange a meeting with the TRAINEE to assess their preparation for the final exam. If the preparation is deemed insufficient, WiSP reserves the right to prohibit the TRAINEE from taking the exam, without reimbursement of the incurred fees.

Article 1.3 – Formalities Related to Training Follow-up 

The TRAINEE is required to sign the attendance sheet (either paper or digital) as the training session progresses. The TRAINEE may also be asked to complete a training evaluation (OPCO, France Travail, Employer, etc.). Under no circumstances is the TRAINEE allowed to sign the attendance sheet for another trainee.
At the end of the training, a certificate of completion will be sent by email to the TRAINEE, who is responsible for forwarding it to their employer or the funding organization, if applicable.

Article 2 – Access to Training Premises 

Unless expressly authorized by the management of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION, the TRAINEE may not: 

  • Enter or remain in the training premises for any purpose other than training.
  • Conduct solicitation or sell goods or services within the premises.
  • Introduce, allow, or facilitate the entry of individuals who are not part of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION.
  • Have personal items delivered unless authorized by the TRAINING ORGANIZATION.

The personal vehicles of the TRAINEES (bicycles, scooters) are not allowed to be stored inside the premises of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION and must be parked outside.

Article 3 – Dress and Behavior 

The TRAINEE is invited to present themselves at the TRAINING ORGANIZATION in appropriate attire. Additionally, they are expected to behave in a manner that ensures respect for basic social etiquette, good behavior in a group setting, and the smooth running of the training 

Article 4 – Use of Equipment 

Unless specifically authorized by the management of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION, the use of training equipment is limited to the training premises and is strictly reserved for training activities. The distribution of training materials and educational resources is prohibited. Their use must remain strictly personal.

The TRAINEE is required to keep the equipment provided for training in good condition and to use it according to its intended purpose and the guidelines provided by the trainer.

The TRAINEE must immediately report any malfunction of the equipment to the trainer.

Article 5 – Communication 

Proselytism, as well as the dissemination of religious or political ideas, is strictly prohibited within the training premises.

Article 6 – Recording

Recording and distributing a training session is strictly prohibited, unless there is an exceptional derogation.


Article 1 – Exam Procedure 

Depending on the certification being prepared, the TRAINEE is subject to one or more validation tests. A minimum score is required for each test to obtain the certificate. The nature of each evaluation was explained to the TRAINEE at the time of registration.

The TRAINEE who successfully completes all the validation tests will be awarded the certificate corresponding to the training and will receive the grade or, if applicable, the overall mention indicating the certification validation. If the TRAINEE has not validated all required tests, a results sheet will be issued, showing the grades or mentions obtained.

For each exam, the TRAINEE:

  • Must present themselves for the exam session with a valid official document that includes a recent photo ID. No photocopies of the identity document, either on paper or on the phone, will be accepted. In the event of theft or loss of documents prior to the exam, the TRAINEE must present an official police report as proof.
  • Must answer the exam in the same language as the given subject.
  • The exam must be completed within the allotted time for each test.
  • No consultation of books or online resources, in any form, will be allowed during the exam. The only materials available to the TRAINEE will be those provided by the TRAINING ORGANIZATION on the day of the exam.
  • Mobile phones and other connected devices are prohibited during the exam.
  • Bags and personal belongings must be placed at the back of the exam room.
  • From the moment the supervisor announces the exam instructions, no communication of any kind between trainees will be allowed until the end of the exam or when the supervisor announces the end.
  • During tasting exams, the TRAINEE cannot touch or smell the glass before the official start of the test. Any failure to adhere to this rule will result in immediate exclusion.
  • It is prohibited to record, photograph, or share images of the exam room or the exam papers.
  • The TRAINEE will not be allowed to leave the room before at least fifteen (15) minutes of the exam time have passed and no less than ten (10) minutes before the end of the exam.
  • Any TRAINEE arriving after the official start time of the exam will NOT be allowed to sit the exam if another TRAINEE has already left the room.
  • A late-arriving TRAINEE will be allowed to enter the room only with the authorization of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION representative, and only if the delay does not exceed thirty (30) minutes from the start time of the exam. The TRAINEE will not recover lost time and will finish the exam at the same time as the group.
  • The TRAINEE will not be allowed to leave the room and return once the exam has started. The TRAINEE must make prior arrangements before the exam.
  • Any TRAINEE suspected of cheating or plagiarism must leave the room immediately. Their exam paper will be reviewed by a special committee, which will determine its validity and decide on whether they will be banned from taking the exam again.
  • It is prohibited to take the exam papers or scratch sheets out of the exam room. Any TRAINEE who does not return their papers and scratch sheets will be considered as committing fraud.
  • The TRAINEE must not disclose the contents of the exam questions to a third party or reproduce them in any way.

A TRAINEE who does not attend the exam will not obtain the certificate for completing the training. They may retake the exam, provided they re-register (see Article 2 – section 3).

Article 2 – Retake & Re-registration 

The TRAINEE may request to retake the exam if they have failed, subject to re-registration fees and according to the conditions defined in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale at the time of their registration.

A TRAINEE who has already passed the exam may re-enroll in the training, but will not be allowed to retake the exam. A TRAINEE who has passed only one of the different parts of the exam must retake the exam for the other part, in the same language as originally taken, for the exam to be considered successful. There is no limit to the number of re-registrations.

However, if an update to the program is made by the certifying body, the TRAINEE will no longer be allowed to retake the exam in its original version and must comply with the new program for their exam.

Article 3 – Exam Appeals 

The TRAINEE who requests a re-evaluation or feedback on their exam paper must submit their request in writing within 15 days following the receipt of the results. Any requests received after this period will not be considered.

For WSG certifications, this request must be made to the TRAINING ORGANIZATION. Please note that, in the interest of exam integrity, no feedback on the answers provided by the TRAINEE will be given.

For WSET certifications, the request must be made to the certifying body. This procedure is subject to a fee, which must be paid directly by the TRAINEE to the certifying body.

In the case of a complaint about the new decision, the TRAINEE may contact the certifying body again to request an appeal form. This form must be completed and submitted by the TRAINEE to the certifying body within ten working days following the response to the complaint. Any appeal request submitted after this period will not be considered. This procedure is also subject to a fee, which must be paid directly by the TRAINEE to the certifying body.


Article 1 – Disciplinary Sanctions 

Any failure by the TRAINEE to comply with the provisions of this internal regulations may result in a sanction imposed by the head of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION or their representative.

Any action considered as misconduct may, depending on its nature and severity, lead to one of the following sanctions: 

  • A formal warning;
  • Temporary exclusion from the training; 
  • Permanent exclusion from the training.

As a reminder, if the TRAINEE is absent for more than 50% of the in-person session (short training) or the unit (long training) without justification, they will be invited to a phone interview to discuss their personal preparation for the exam. WiSP reserves the right to deny access to the exam if the preparation is deemed insufficient.

Fines or other monetary sanctions are prohibited, except for sanctions related to violations of the general terms and conditions of sale (see General Terms and Conditions on the registration form). In the event of temporary or permanent exclusion due to inappropriate behavior, training fees will not be refunded.

The head of the TRAINING ORGANIZATION or their representative will inform the relevant parties of the sanction imposed: 

  • The employer of the employee TRAINEE or the administration of the TRAINEE agent (Note: This applies only when the training is organized at the request of the employer or administration); 
  • And/or the funding body of the training.

Article 2 – Information for the Trainee 

No sanction may be imposed on the TRAINEE without first informing them of the complaints held against them. However, when a fault has occurred that necessitates an immediate temporary exclusion as a precautionary measure, no final sanction related to this behavior can be taken without prior notification of the complaints against the TRAINEE. In all other cases, the sanction will be notified in writing with the reasoning provided, either by registered letter or delivered against acknowledgment of receipt.


Article 1– Dissatisfaction or Discontent 

In the event of dissatisfaction or discontent with the content, quality of training, the information service, or the organizational aspects of the training session, the TRAINEE is encouraged to fill out the complaint form available for this purpose, which can be accessed here. They may also contact the Quality Manager directly by email at contact@wisp-campus.com or by phone at 05 57 71 75 61.

The TRAINING ORGANIZATION commits to providing the TRAINEE with a response within two (2) business days.




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