
French Wine Scholar™

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Professional training in French wines: French Wine Scholar

The only certified training to become an expert in French wines

Would you like to ripen your French wine expertise?

Then, the French Wine Scholar™ (FWS) certification is for you! In just ten weeks, this qualification will propel you towards industry career paths that require a high level of skills and knowledge in French wines. The training offers people with a passion for French wine a unique product understanding and top in-demand expertise required in the wine market.

The French Wine Scholar™ enjoys true international recognition in the wine industry. The French Wine Scholar™ is an advanced-level qualification for all French wine appellations and the factors that shape their identities. The French Wine Scholar™ programme presents each French wine region as an integrated whole by explaining the impact of history, the significance of geological events, the importance of topographical markers and the influence of climatic factors from the vine to the glass. Moreover, the foundation unit covers French wine law, grape varieties, grape growing and winemaking in depth for each wine region.

This blended learning course comprises modules to be followed remotely and 2-day of classroom training. Through distance learning, you will discover rich course content on all French wine regions and their vineyards’ secrets. Then, in face-to-face mode, you will increase your newly-gained knowledge through tasting sessions in the Bordeaux vineyards.

Accessibility of training to people with disabilities. Contact our disability advisor on 05 57 71 75 61 or by email in order to study together the necessary arrangements.

How will my French Wine Scholar training proceed?

Here are the different stages of the French Wine Scholar™, from course registration to certificate validation.

I validate my registration with the support of the WiSP team.

Seven days after my enrolment validation, I will receive the study manual necessary for my pre-course preparation.

Fifteen days before the course start date, an e-mail will provide me with all the necessary information to attend the course introductory videoconference and access the online materials and collaborative space.

On Day 1, I join fellow learners in my group training session. I have unlimited access to the online study modules and progress at my own pace. In addition, five videoconferences are scheduled over the nine weeks to mark my progress, exchange with my peers and question my educators.

The last two training days will be delivered at the WiSP Bordeaux campus. J. I taste, recap and consolidate all the knowledge acquired on the various French wine regions. The one-hour exam takes place at the end of the second day (100 MCQs).

Twelve weeks after the exam, I will receive my results by e-mail. If I successfully pass my exam, I will receive my French Wine Scholar™ certificate by post.

Who is the French Wine Scholar training for?

Young professionals who wish to pursue a career in the wine business.

French wine amateurs who want to know and understand all there is to know.

For industry professionals, employees or job seekers in professional retraining.

Industry professionals, wholesale distributors, wine merchants, product or marketing managers, sommeliers, restaurant managers or entrepreneurs wishing to obtain a recognised qualification in French wines.

What will you learn during the French Wine Scholar courses?

Master the fundamentals of oenology.

Know the French wine history and identify the French grape varieties and appellations.

Understand the impact of climate, the influence of soils and the geology of each region.

Describe, explain and promote each region's different styles of French wines.

Understand the sector’s structure, viticultural practices and regulations.

Decode the labelling of French wines as an informed connoisseur.

Advise, sell and serve French wines according to the highest standards and with professional etiquette.

Pair food with French wines and know how to meet customers' expectations.

Detailed training program of the French Wine Scholar

WSG issue 7.1, 2022

A 10-week blended learning programme to become a French wine expert

  • Course introduction
  • Videoconference on the fundamentals

  • Alsace: Viticultural history, climate, geology and topography, grape varieties, wine styles and sector’s structure
  • Champagne: Viticultural history, climate and soils

  • Champagne: grape varieties, the champagne method, styles and designation of champagnes
  • Jura and Savoie: Wine history, climate, geology and soils, grape varieties and appellations, wine styles and production methods
  • Videoconference on the fundamentals

  • Bourgogne: Viticultural history, grape varieties, soils, sub-regions and appellation system, Bourgogne winemaking methods
  • Beaujolais: Viticultural history, climate, geology and soils, grape varieties and appellations, wine styles and production methods

  • Bordeaux: Viticultural history, climate, soil influence on blending, winemaking in Bordeaux, sub-regions and appellations, the Place of Bordeaux and the rankings
  • Videoconference

  • Southwest: Viticultural history, climate, grape varieties and wine styles, sub-regions and appellations
  • Loire: Viticultural history, climate, soils, grape varieties, sub-regions and appellations, wine styles, viticultural practices and winemaking

  • Rhône Valley: Viticultural history, geology, topography and soils, grape varieties, sub-regions and appellations, wine styles, viticultural practices and winemaking.
  • Provence and Corsica: Viticultural history, climate, geology, soils and grape varieties, appellations, wine styles, and viticultural practices

  • Languedoc–Roussillon: Viticultural history, climate, geology, soils and grape varieties, appellations, wine styles, viticultural practices
  • Videoconference

  • Sensory Tasting of France’s 13 distinct wine regions
  • Sensory Tasting of France’s 13 distinct wine regions
  • Examination: 100-MCQs (1 hour)

Your expert instructors in French wines

French Wine Scholar™: Study Materials

Upon registration to the French Wine Scholar™, you will receive the following study materials essential to optimise your learning experience:

Next sessions

Register for our upcoming French Wine Scholar session.

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