In-company or inter-company training: how do you make the right choice?

18 April 2024

When the time comes to choose a professional training course for your team or your employees, you are faced with a range of possibilities: long or short courses, online or face-to-face training, inter-company or intra-company training. But what really distinguishes in-company training from inter-company training? Which is best suited to your needs? In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about in-company training to help you make the right decision.

In-company training: understanding the concept

In-company training is quite simply training that takes place on your own company premises. It is training delivered exclusively to a group of employees belonging to the same company. Ideally, it brings together groups of trainees who share the same objectives and a similar level of knowledge. In this way, each participant can benefit fully from the training and quickly apply it within the company.

In-company vs. inter-company training: what’s the difference?

Unlike in-company training, inter-company training brings together trainees from different companies to follow a predefined programme. It can be face-to-face or distance learning. The dates and venues are fixed in advance by the training organisation. The number of trainees may vary. The opportunity to exchange experiences and working methods between participants from different companies makes inter-company training courses potentially more rewarding.

At WiSP, WSET wine and spirits training courses can take place on an inter-company or intra-company basis, depending on requirements. Tailor-made 100% bespoke wine and spirits training courses can also be delivered in-house or on our premises.

What are the advantages of in-company training?

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In-company training can be tailored to the specific needs of the company. This customisation makes it possible to target precisely the skills that are relevant to employees and to meet the training objectives. At WiSP, we can offer WSET training tailored to your company’s issues and challenges. We can go into more detail on one module than another, for example.


One of the major advantages of in-company training lies in its ability to contextualise lessons. The examples, case studies and scenarios used are directly linked to the day-to-day activities and challenges faced by employees, making it easier to understand and apply the skills acquired more effectively.

Confidentiality guaranteed

In-company training offers a safe space where discussions and problems specific to the company can be addressed in complete confidentiality. This confidentiality fosters an open learning climate where employees feel comfortable asking pertinent questions.

Optimised costs

In-company training offers undeniable financial advantages. With few variable costs, it offers significant economies of scale. And by minimising staff travel and accommodation costs, you save money and your employees save time.

Simplified organisation

In-company training gives you the freedom to choose the schedule and therefore the training dates.Depending on the availability of the trainer’s employees, the company may prefer to organise the training during a slack period. The aim is to maximise the effectiveness of the training while respecting the company’s operational constraints.

A stronger team spirit

Opting for in-company training is also an opportunity to bring employees together around a team project on the same site, while limiting the usual professional interference and uniting them.This proximity fosters the development of a strong team spirit, boosting employee motivation and commitment.

There are, however, some limitations to in-company training

Due to the in-house nature of the training, employees may lack a diversity of opinions and experiences from other companies or industries, which could limit their vision, creativity and perspectives. The planning and implementation of training can impact on the workload of internal resources.

How do you organise in-company training?

The first step is to choose a course that will enable you to develop the skills required to achieve your company’s objectives.

WiSP will work with you to identify your needs and those of your employees. We then define the content of the course together and can organise all the logistics if required. Contact us.

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What about inter-company training?

Inter-company training involves employees attending sessions organised by third parties, where they can interact with professionals from other companies and industries.

What are the advantages of inter-company training?

In conclusion, the choice between intra-company and inter-company training depends on the specific needs and development objectives of each company. A blended approach, combining the benefits of both options, can also be considered to provide a complete and balanced learning experience for employees.

WiSP teams work with you to design and deliver engaging learning experiences, combining pedagogical expertise, innovative methods and a unique network of experts. They work every day to ensure the success of your training projects, whether they are delivered on your premises or on WiSP campuses.

Find out more about our corporate training courses here: 


Fanny Darrieussecq

Fanny Darrieussecq


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