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8 July 2024

Emerging Trends in the World of Spirits Deciphered by Fanny Darrieussecq

The spirits industry continues to evolve rapidly, influenced by the changing preferences of both amateur and connoisseur consumers. Spirits enthusiasts are in constant search of

21 August 2023

Absinthe: the 19th century green fairy

The origin of absinthe is like Absinthe itself: quite unclear. The name absinthe seems to come from its main ingredient “grand wormwood (artemisia absinthium)”. We

23 June 2023


Connaissez-vous les termes figurant sur les bouteilles de Tequila et Mezcal ?
Il existe plusieurs termes d’étiquetage importants qui indiquent le type et le style

28 March 2023

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Tandis que la Normandie évoque quelques batailles épiques lors de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et des images du Mont-St-Michel, la Normandie est aussi synonyme de

7 March 2023

Jamaican rum : Bringing the Funk!!!

Let’s start with a brief history of Jamaican Rum…

First of all, to make rum you need sugar. This raw material was introduced to Jamaica

5 April 2022

I have tested for you the WSET level 3 in Spirits !

En Janvier dernier a eu lieu la toute première session en France du WSET Spiritueux niveau 3. Cela s’est passé à Paris, dans les magnifiques

21 March 2022

“And now we taste !”

A few days ago, I was hosting a spirits tasting for some young wine merchants. Absorbed in my routine, I started the tasting of the

21 October 2021

WiSP lanches the 1st WSET level 3 in spirits course in France !

Fin novembre 2021 démarrera la première session WSET niveau 3 en Spiritueux en France !!! WiSP est en effet le premier centre de formation français

18 May 2021

From traditional rum to High Ester rum : Focus on Reunion Island

The Savanna distillery is located on the Reunion Island, shows with audacity and excellence that it is possible, from the same raw material, to obtain

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