Neuroscience Supporting Education

4 December 2024

Understanding how the brain learns and processes information has revolutionized education in recent years. Neuroscience offers new perspectives to help educators create engaging, effective, and enriching learning experiences.

Let’s try to decode this fascinating yet complex topic: how can understanding brain mechanisms improve teaching and learning outcomes?

What is cognitive neuroscience in education?

Cognitive neuroscience in education explores how the brain absorbs, stores, and retrieves information. By studying these mechanisms, educators can tailor their methods to align with the brain’s natural functioning. The goal is to make teaching more effective and learning easier.

What do cognitive sciences tell us about education?

1. Attention and memory are interconnected in the learning process

Attention acts as a gateway to memory. It enables the brain to select relevant information, which is then stored and retrieved. Therefore, educators must prioritize capturing and maintaining attention to enhance learning. Without attention, there is no learning.

2. Emotions amplify memory

The brain doesn’t only retain raw data learned in class but also the emotions experienced during the learning process. This means we remember what we saw, heard, and felt. Integrating an emotional dimension into teaching—through stories, humor, or inspiring moments—can turn learning into an unforgettable experience.

When we experience emotions during a lesson, we remember it better.

3. Multiplying experiences improves outcomes

Diversifying learning formats and contexts helps the brain generalize knowledge and develop agility. Combining discussions, hands-on activities, and visual aids fosters better understanding.

4. A high-performing brain is one that makes mistakes and adapts

It’s often said that mistakes are instructive and that we learn from them. This is true. The brain learns from mistakes. Errors are powerful learning tools. Recent neuroscience research shows that mistakes trigger neural network reconfiguration and refine understanding. Creating a culture that views mistakes as opportunities rather than failures can encourage resilience and curiosity.

Neuroscience in professional training: the era of neurolearning

Advances in neuroscience provide educators with concrete tools to transform their teaching approaches. Recent discoveries are significant drivers of change in many disciplines. Some suggest that the 21st century will be the century of the brain. Far from being limited to theory, these findings have practical implications for improving learner engagement and success. Here are some neuroscience-based principles you can integrate as an educator to deliver even more motivating training.

Key strategies to enhance learning:

  • Capture attention from the first minute: Effective focus from the start sustains attention.
  • Break monotony: Introduce surprises or changes in pace regularly.
  • Schedule decompression moments: Prevent cognitive fatigue.
  • Build positive group dynamics: Stimulate positive emotions.
  • Adjust to group mood and energy: Adapt pressure on attention.
  • Announce upcoming topics: Maintain interest between sequences.

Integrate memory mechanisms:

  • Respect short-term memory limits: Focus on key ideas.
  • Use multisensory approaches: Reinforce visual, auditory, and emotional cues.
  • Space repetitions: Strengthen long-term memory retention.
  • Encourage mental modeling: Help learners build their mental frameworks.
  • Repeat key ideas: Review at the end of each step.

Motivate through emotions:

  • Use humor and anecdotes: Create emotional connections.
  • Avoid stress-inducing methods: Support a positive learning environment.
  • Provide success opportunities: Build motivation and confidence.

Ensure a safe and supportive environment: Become an expert in providing constructive feedback.

Effective learning is personal, demanding, and takes time. It becomes easier with practice. Learning itself is a skill! It involves emotions and stress, so connecting lessons to learners’ interests and goals is crucial.

And the final rule: we only learn what interests us.

That’s why, at WiSP, our key focus is pleasure!




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